Monday, October 27, 2008

Autodesk You MONSTER You

Holy bat dung!!!! Autodesk is taking over the freaking world. AHHHHHH

Autodesk Signs Agreement with Avid Technology to Acquire Softimage

Ok, so I have been using Autodesk 3D Studio Max for over 13 years now and have produced some cool animation in my time but man Autodesk slow down brother. I know you want to be the most powerful CAD software company in the world but I feel your turning into a monster. Don't get me wrong Autodesk I love your software but first off you need to fix the programs you already own. There are more bugs in 3d studio max then in my bed. It drives me crazy. I don't even want to think about all the bugs in the other programs. Who is left? Cinema4D, Lightwave, Blender? You better be careful Autodesk. Artist are very liberal and they don't like monsters. All monsters want to do is eat little children in the middle of the night and that scares them. Codad

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